Wednesday, February 22, 2006

...going to the candidate's debate...

Texas Governor Rick Perry

Yesterday was the first day of early voting for the Texas primary and I am planning on getting out there to vote sometime this week. Go Repubs!!


Blogger beatrice said...


10:51 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Woot? *confused, bewildered, and not understanding*

All I can say is.....GO REPUBLICAN CONSERVATIVES!!!!!!!!!!

1:41 PM

Blogger Jennifer R. said...

I'm voting too. *gasp*

I know, it's amazing. I've never voted before, but studying Roman history and seeing what happened to their republic as a result of weirdo factions and a dismal voter turnout rate has inspired me.

Go Repubs...and here in Lubbock specifically, go Matt P. for D.A. He goes to my church.

10:01 PM


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