Monday, January 30, 2006


Kathryn wins the grand prize, although I don't suppose I have anything to give her except a library pass to come and read any of them whenever she wants to.

Yes, I have 570 books, on my shelves, out on the landing, stacked on the floor, laying on my desk, next to my pillow . . . I sit in here surrounded by them all the time, so it finally popped into my head the other day to see exactly how many of them there were. I was surprised. Actually, the number should've been 577, because I found a few more today that I had missed. I love my books, from my beautiful one-volume Lord of the Rings even down to my Uncle Tom's Cabin that I keep turned backwards on the shelf.

Papa thinks it's excessive, but what can compare with a good book? You should all come and read them sometime. After all, reading maketh a full man . . .


Blogger ThePizzaPizzaMan said...

i don't really get how Papa can say that 577 is excessive... unless his second floor comes tumbling town one day

3:57 PM

Blogger LN said...

Maybe that's what he's afraid of-- that one of these days my room will come crashing through the living room ceiling . . .

But one of our math problems in high school was to calculate how many books were in his library-- wasn't it around 3000? (and it's overfowing now!)
Sounds like a clear case of pot and kettle!

6:21 PM

Blogger Laura Kathryn said...

"She herself was a victim of that lust for books which rages in the breast like a demon, and which cannot be stilled save by the frequent and plentiful acquisition of books. This passion is more common, and more powerful, than most people suppose."
~Robertson Davies, "Tempest-Tost"

7:29 PM

Blogger Jennifer R. said...

Ohh I am feeling an irresistable urge to count mine...

310 in easy reach, although I know I have some scattered around in various people's possession...

I knew you would beat me, but that's okay. You really do have a great collection; it makes my mouth water every time I go into your room!

8:42 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I find it a singularly laughable complaint that has been made by the Papa, for I have seen his library, yea his living room, dining room, and bedroom also. As In has pointed out, books are everywhere! Perhaps they have become the wallpaper of his life; they are the norm, the usual, the comfort zone, and he has quit noticing them. Does the Papa need to remove the beam from his own eye?

~a kindred spirit

8:45 PM

Blogger rachel tsunami said...

In, Could your next project be to catalog them and publish your list for us? I adore reading other people's book lists and finding titles there I always meant to read, or haven't met yet and want to. I've seen your shelves and have made notes in the past. A pleasure.

8:52 PM

Blogger LN said...

It's possible, though I will have to wait until after a "certain desirable event takes place".
But then, it might take me forever to actually make the list, because I would feel compelled to annotate it with all kinds of details and anecdotes, and by the time I had finished one entry I would have bought 3 new books . . . this could go on forever.

K, what a perfect quote!

9:37 PM

Blogger Owl of the Desert said...

577, what a lovely collection! I always enjoy seeing what other people have collected over the years, and seeing what I still need to collect. :-)

11:13 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, the ceiling would collapse and everything below would be smothered with books. GOOD GRIEF!

4:01 PM


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